Friday 8 April 2011

9. Sage Deo - NaruAnkoKurenaiUzuki

Three hot kunoichi expect to take advantage of the younger ninja, but instead, fall in to the web of Sage Deodorant.

8. Sage Deo - ShikaTema ChoIno

Naruto's attempts to help out a friends dinnere party take an odd turn when his powerful deodorant turns the guests on.



7. Sage Deo - KibaKarui

Naruto lends a shot of Deo to Kiba, and while it is not as powerful, it is enough for Karui to lust for the Inuzuka for a short time.

6. Sage Deo - NaruHinaTsu

Tsunade falls along with Hinata to Naruto's new scent.

5. Sage Deo - NaruKei

Kei, an OC from my series, NaruHina Chronicles & Anko's Angel's, falls prey to the sage deodorant.

4. SageDeo - NaruHina

 Hinata's turn.

3. SageDeo - NaruHana

 Hanabi's turn

2. Sage Deo - NaruIno

Ino is next.

1.Sage Deo-NaruTen

Tenten is first to fall for the aroma.

0. Sage Deo begins

Well, here it begins. This is what began the series, so I consider it the cover ^^